Color / Texture
Medium green color
Fine blade
Temperate climates
Partially shade tolerant
Drought tolerant
Slow growing
Weed resistant
Does not recover from damage like other grasses; has a problem with brown patch, dollar spot, and rust
Resistant to fall Army worms
Aesthetically attractive with nice color and leaf texture giving it a soft feel, comfortable to walk on barefoot
Resistant to fall Army worms
Can be mowed with a rotary mower and is easy to maintain
Pre-emergent herbicide timing is widely understood by professionals and is well-known to maintenance companies due to long time on the market
Does not recover from damage as well as other grasses
Susceptible to brown patch, dollar spot, and rust
How to Buy Emerald Zoysia
Sold by the roll, pallet, or truckload
- Rolls: 391.3 sqft (42')
- Pallet: 504 sqft
- Truckload: 9000 sqft (rolls) / 9072 sqft (pallets)
Fresh cut-to-order, straight from our farm to you
Shipped in 18-wheeler flatbed loads or customer pickup